5.3. Merchandise management

This section describes functions in the Revver BOS for merchandise management.

Create and Modify Products

Product management page in BOS allows creating new products, assigning to category, adding EAN codes & PLU's, pricing of an product.

Set up Product Groups

Product group management in BOS allows creating new groups which can include existing category, products, exclusion of products. This can be used when setting up discounts.

Set up and Modify Discounts

Discount & promotion management in BOS allows creating new deals which can include manual discounts & auto promos. It can also include start/ end date, special date and times of week for ex. happy hour etc.

Discount Wizard

This is an easy to use wizard which helps our partners to create discounts easily by answering a few questions.

Category Manager

This feature in BOS allows viewing all active categoriues in the merchant along with the tax rates, IFSF retsriction codes etc."

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